Scavenger Hunt

Rules for the Hunt:

*This competition will be with a partner.
*This event is for toons level 70 and above
*Groups will have 10 minutes before the event starts to review the list of things that you are hunting for and come up with a strategy. Internet searches for information on where to get each item is allowed. i.e. etc.
*The hunt will last 1 hour
*Team members do NOT have to stay together during the hunt. However, they both have to be back at Honor Hold before the time is up for any items they collected to count
*NO items may be purchased off the AH…both team members should remain in the Outlands for the duration of the event.
*Prizes will be awarded for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd of the teams that score the most points
*Scoring: Items will be traded to the judge for point tallying and then then returned to you

Ways to earn points

40pts – Team is logged into vent (both members)
5 pts – Scroll of Agility
5 pts – Essence of Water
5 pts – 5 Chunk O’ Basilisk
5 pts – Furious Crawdad
5 pts – Barbed Gill Trout
5 pts – Zangarian Sporefish
5 pts – Ice Fin Bluefish
5 pts – 5 Clefthoof Meat
5 pts – Huge Venom Sac
10pts – 10 Motes of Water
10pts – 50 Netherweave
10pts – 20 Netherwing Crystals
10pts – 5 Warp Flesh
10pts – Ethernium Lock box
10pts – 10 Motes of Shadow
10pts – 10 Filtered Draenic Water
15pts – Essence of Air
15pts – Bloodscale Helm
15pts – Yew Wand
20pts – Dragon Bone wing
20pts – Felblood Snapper
25pts – Girdle of Siege
25pts – Recipe: Fel Regeneration Potion
25pts – Apexis Shard
25pts – Recipe: Major Holy Protection Potion
25pts – Curious Crate
30pts – Recoilless Rocket Ripper X-54
30pts – Hellreaver
30pts – Oculus of the Hidden Eye